
Droit constitutionnel 1 (DRT1501)

History, sources and major principles of Canadian constitutional law.

Droit constitutionnel 2 (DRT1502)

General theory of federalism and the division of powers. Introduction to the protection of rights and freedoms.

Droit constitutionnel comparé (DRT3002)

The role of foreign constitutional law in the evolution and interpretation of Canadian constitutional law. Study of the various aspects of comparative constitutional law, especially those relating to individual rights and freedoms.

Théories du droit (DRT3006)

Conceptualization of the phenomenon of law in society. Theorization of the processes of emergence, interpretation and application of law. Critical analysis of law and legal dogma.

Philosophie du droit (DRT3007)

Law and the idea of justice throughout the history of legal thought as conceived by the major philosophical movements. Conceptual particularities of normative “sciences”. Legal rationalities.

Droit des autochtones (DRT3011)

Description and critical analysis of Canadian law in relation to Aboriginal Peoples. Examination of the principal demands of Aboriginal Peoples.

Partage des compétences législatives (DRT3502)

Distribution of legislative powers between the central and provincial authorities; jurisdictional control over constitutionality.

Libertés publiques (DRT3503)

The birth and recognition of fundamental rights and liberties in the West. General schemes of protection in Canada and Quebec. Extension of certain fundamental liberties.

Preuve et procédure pénales (DRT3505)

Basic principles and rules governing the admissibility and administration of evidence and the criminal process before and during trial, as well as on appeal. Impact of the Canadian Charter.

Fondements du droit public (DRT6816)

Study of the founding texts (doctrine, jurisprudence, etc.) of public law in Western legal traditions and of texts critical of the field’s founding concepts.

Droit constitutionnel avancé (DRT6845A)

Critical study of key issues in constitutional law: state and state structure, division of powers, centralisation and decentralisation, Aboriginal law, etc.

Chartes des droits et travail (DRI6125)

Mechanisms for integrating fundamental rights and freedoms into labour relations.


(Note: some courses may not be offered in a given year)

Source: University of Montreal, Admissions and Program Guide

This content has been updated on August 16th, 2017 at 8 h 41 min.